flex-6 nano
Motion Controller
The FLEX-6 NANO is a powerful, compact and flexible motion controller with integrated EtherCAT communications. Offering between from 2 up to 64 axes of motion, the controller can be expanded using the Flexslice range of input, output and axis modules. Using a dual core 1GHz Arm Processor, makes the FLEX-6 NANO ideal for large scale multi-axes applications. User programs can be written in Trio's multi-tasking TrioBASIC language using the powerful MotionPerfect development suite. Additionally IEC61131-3 programming language is available for softPLC functionality
- High Performance Motion
- 2-64 Axes Motion Control
- Integrated EtherCAT Communications
- Linear, Circular, Helical & Spherical Interpolation
- Multi-Tasking BASIC programming
- IEC61131-3 softPLC